A strong hurricane seen from the shoreline.

Hurricane Season Preparedness

Preparing for Hurricane Season: A Practical Guide for Home Safety

Florida is known by many across the world as a state with beautiful beaches and scenic landscapes. And while that is undoubtedly true, living in coastal Florida also means dealing with the annual threat of hurricane season. Residents need to take the necessary steps to protect their homes and loved ones. This guide covers vital measures, from assembling an emergency kit to planning evacuation and what you can do to keep your home and your family safe from the threat of inclement weather.

Before the Storm: Proactive Steps

1. Assemble a Hurricane Emergency Kit:

Gather a comprehensive emergency kit before the storm hits. This kit is essential during power outages or limited access to supplies. Prioritize 3-5 days’ worth of food and a gallon of water per person daily. Stock up on easily prepared nonperishable goods and ensure you have batteries and portable chargers for electronic devices. Depending on your desired level of preparedness, generators for various larger appliances could also be included. 

Other essential items to consider in your emergency kit include, but are not limited to, flashlights (not just your cell phone), portable radios, and small coolers to help preserve food in the event of power loss to your major appliances. 

2. Prioritize First Aid and Medications:

Include over-the-counter and prescription medications in a well-equipped first aid kit. Basic supplies like band-aids, gauze pads, and antiseptic products are essential for unforeseen injuries or medical needs. Ibuprofen and other pain medications are also helpful to keep handy.

For people requiring prescription medications, stock up beforehand in case pharmacies are closed after the storm. Certain areas of coastal Florida have been left without power for weeks after major storms, so be prepared to have enough of your essential products to last until retailers are fully operational again. 

3. Build an Emergency Cash Reserve:

In a crisis, having cash is vital, especially when electronic transactions might not be available due to power outages. Keep a cash reserve saved for emergencies.

While there is no set amount to adhere to, it’s best to plan to have enough to cover several weeks of essential supplies. We recommend assessing your and your family’s needs and planning accordingly. 

4. Stay Informed During Hurricane Season:

Knowledge is crucial during a storm. Stay updated on the storm’s progress through reliable sources, official channels, weather updates, and evacuation notices. Make informed decisions to ensure safety. 

The National Hurricane Center provides detailed information on significant storms and their projected path. You can find that information here:

National Hurricane Center

Most weather services have downloadable apps for your smartphone and will give updates during and after the storm has subsided. However, in the event of massive power and service outages, it’s advised to have a portable radio so that you can stay informed on the latest developments. 

5. Develop an Evacuation Plan:

Truck parked by palm trees in the middle of an active hurricane.

Know your evacuation zones and plan routes to shelters. A well-thought-out evacuation plan ensures a safe departure for your family, including pets.

This is especially important for people close to coasts, as rising water levels can seriously threaten one’s property. These areas are often labeled mandatory evacuation zones, so check your region to see the nearest shelters. 

Most towns and cities already have designated evacuation centers in place. Schools and sometimes even larger places of worship are listed by local authorities as suitable hurricane shelters. Most, if not all, county websites in Florida will have a list of shelters available in times of crisis. We will list several informational sites below in the regions that Florida Window & Door services: 

Miami-Fort Lauderdale 
Miami-Dade County
Broward County
Palm Beach-Treasure Coast
Palm Beach County
Martin County
Saint Lucie County
Indian River County
Brevard County
Daytona-New Smyrna
Saint Johns County
Flagler County
Volusia County
Fort Myers Area
Charlotte County
Sarasota County
Lee County
Collier County
Tampa Area
Pasco County
Hillsborough County
Manatee County
Pinellas County

Preparing Your Home for Hurricane Season: Protecting Your Property

Secure Your Belongings:

Move outdoor items indoors to prevent damage during the storm. Cover and secure anything that cannot be moved inside to protect them from the elements.

Cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles are advised to be kept inside garages if possible. And for those who do not have garages or coverings, be sure to move your cars to a space where debris is less likely to occur. Park away from trees and other loose objects to avoid substantial damage from stray rocks and branches during the storm. 

Cover Any Openings in Your Home:

One of the leading causes of damage to your home during a hurricane is not necessarily the wind or the rain itself but the debris that gets picked up along the way. That’s why it’s essential to shield any openings, particularly ones made of weaker glass, to avoid unwarranted cracks or shattering. While some homeowners resort to boarding their homes with plywood or mounting shutters onto their openings to ward off the elements, these methods can only go so far at truly protecting your home. 

Consider installing hurricane-impact windows and doors for strong home fortification. These windows are designed to withstand hurricane forces, offering superior protection to standard windows. Contact Florida Window & Door for high-quality hurricane-impact windows and assistance throughout the process. Our company specializes in windows and doors designed to withstand up to category 5 force winds. Expertly crafted and expertly installed, our teams have been serving the state of Florida for over 30 years with high-quality hurricane protection. 

Conclusion: Be Prepared and Empowered

In conclusion, navigating hurricane season requires a strategic and proactive approach. Floridians are encouraged to assemble an emergency kit, stay informed, and develop a comprehensive evacuation plan to empower themselves during challenges. Investing in hurricane-impact windows enhances your home’s resilience against nature’s forces. 

If your home is in need of impact windows for hurricane season, then click here to contact us and schedule your FREE home assessment:

Button linking to Florida Window & Door's homepage so people can schedule their free quote.

Florida Window & Door is committed to quality and customer satisfaction. For over 30 years, we’ve been the go-to for hurricane protective products throughout Florida. Invest in your home’s safety and security and install impact windows and doors. Call Florida Window & Door today!

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